Friday, July 30, 2021

Summer Road Trip - Day #3

We began our third day on the road touring UNC Asheville. 

This may be the most beautiful college campus I have seen. I wanted to be a college bound kid when we made our way to the campus! It is a liberal arts school, (shocking I know considering the atmosphere and people you find and see in Asheville 😂) -  there was a lot of art work on display throughout campus. 

The school was built to provide fantastic views of Mt. Pisgah and the beautiful landscaping. Nature and art were clearly the themes of the campus. 

From here we made our way to the Biltmore where we had lunch at the Biltmore farm. The grounds were stunning and we hadn’t even made our way to the formal gardens at this point of our tour. 

At our appointed tour time, we caught the first glimpse of the house. Oh. My. Word!

And then we got inside. 😍

After a couple of hours of history, Keagan was ready for a nap, but I persuaded him to walk to the gardens with me. This was the best part because the aromas from the flowers were fantastic!

Keagan got his nap in the car as we continued our drive to the next stop. We arrived to hotel #3 with the AC running on high and the best smelling rooms. Tomorrow is tour #3 and the first day of the soccer ID camp. 

1 comment:

  1. Those gardens reminded me of our trip to Germany and the lovely gardens we toured. almost 17 years ago now.
