Sunday, July 25, 2021

Middle Aged Mom

I think I can officially admit I’m middle aged. I’ve been in denial for the last seven years, but today, today, I admitted its arrival. I took Keagan to an ID camp and I decided to hang out and watch him play like I’ve done hundreds of times. The sun was out and the temp was hovering in the low 90s, but I like the sun and the high temps. I predicted this would be no problem for me. 

Until I started sweating from my knees and elbows. Are there even pores on your elbows? How does this happen? I began to curse the sun that I have worshipped for 47 years and pulled out my umbrella. Umbrellas are used by old people when they can’t take the intensity of the summer sun. And then the worst. I started considering watching soccer from my car - my air conditioned car. This is only done by old people that can’t handle the heat! It was then that I had to admit I’m no longer 20 and able to handle the summer temps. The 105 degree heat index won today. 

But Keagan? Yeah, he played great and wasn’t bothered by the heat. He isn’t middle aged. 

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