Friday, July 16, 2021

Friday Fun Day

Keagan finished his ACT class on Thursday, so to celebrate his afternoons of freedom we had Friday Fun Day at Winding Staircase Falls. We had steep climbs that had us breathing hard, fantastic views across the river, and slippery rocks that made downhill steps treacherous. Madi had some close encounters with spider webs. We envisioned a huge fall that would allow for swimming, but this is all we saw at the “water fall.” Now I know why the parking lot was empty at 1300 when it was 91 degrees.

We hiked two trails (to Madi’s dismay) for a total of seven miles, and just as we made it to the last quarter of a mile, the clouds opened and poured on us. We were soaked! 

Evan and Makinley spent the day at Animal Kingdom where it is hotter than seven Hades and a two hour wait to ride the best ride. Evan is over the crowds and little kids. 

They are both ready to head to the beach!

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