Saturday, July 31, 2021

Summer Road Trip - Day #4

I wasn’t quite sure what to expect from today’s college tour after we drove into town last night. Last night’s drive was questionable at best. Today, though, I was thoroughly impressed with High Point. 

The grounds were beautiful with landscaping and water fountains at every turn.  All of the buildings were modern and indicated a true push for excellence. 

Keagan was taken by the campus, the academic opportunities, and the housing. Our 2.5 hour tour was a bit overwhelming, but it was clear the university has some really great initiatives.

We spent the afternoon and evening at a soccer camp. Most of the players are from the East coast and are MLS Next players. 

There were six outside backs assigned to team orange, so when it came time for 11v11 matches, Keagan volunteered to play CDM. 

We are back at it tomorrow. 

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