Monday, July 5, 2021

A Tale of Two Boys

It’s a tale of two boys. It’s the best of times for the older boy; it’s the worst of times for the younger lad. 

Evan is in Alabama today with the Baylors. He’s on a boat in a lake living his dream. He’s fishing, swimming, and riding the waves. It’s the best of times.

Keagan is at home in the middle of a two hour ACT class. He tried to tell me paying for a class was a waste of money. He tried to tell me he could take the class for free at school. He tried to tell me it was summer and his FIFA game couldn’t be interrupted. His persuasive tactics did not work. It’s the worst of times for him. 

In two years, when he has a strong ACT score that got him accepted into college, he can play FIFA (or spend the day at the lake on a boat) all he wants. 

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