Saturday, July 4, 2020

Lost My Wisdom

Poor Evan had his wisdom teeth removed Thursday. 
Wes was up bright and early getting him his favorite chicken biscuts for breakfast before his seven hour fast. 

All four were taken out in less than 45 minutes. As Evan said immediately after the surgery and still under anesthesia, “They were efficient. That’s how they make their money. They get people in and out of there fast.”

He was so talkative when I got him in the car and on the ride home. Here are some of my favorite quotes. 

Me: I need to stop by the jewelry store to pick up my watch. Are you ok with a quick stop?
Evan: Yeah. That’s fine. Did you get a Rolex? 

Me: You need to put your phone away. I don’t want you texting; you might say the wrong thing.
Evan: I still have my common sense. I just lost my wisdom.

Evan: When I get home I’m playing COD. I want to play somebody and get 20 kills, and then tell ‘em ‘You suck!’ They might be good, but I’m better.

Evan: Mom, the Redskins have to change their name.
Me: To what?
Evan: I don’t know, but it should be the Ghettos because that’s all they have there. Ghettos and Smithsonians.

Evan: All girls want to do is FaceTime. ‘Let’s FaceTime. FaceTime. FaceTime.’ I don’t have time for that. I want to play soccer and play basketball. I’ll text, but I’m not going to FaceTime.

He had icecream and applesauce for dinner. Friday he was eating pasta and meat sauce and shooting hoops. I think he’s recovered.

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