Thursday, July 9, 2020

Checkin’ In

This happened today. Keagan enrolled in online banking, opened a checking account, and applied for his first debit card. When the bank rep asked if we wanted to apply for non-card payment (think Apple Pay), I knew that was a big fat no. My baby and money are a dangerous pair.  (Look at him, though. He’s so yummy!)

We opened the new account with $100. I told him he had to use the money for driving related expenses - like gas - not online purchases of shoes. I know he’s in the midst of redefining his image, so I made sure he understood I can track his spending on my phone. 

Besides being super handsome, he’s funny, too. While the rep walked away from the desk, we had this convo. 

Keagan: How much is gas? Like $5 or something?
Me: $1.89 a gallon. Your truck will hold about 20 gallons of gas. 
Keagan: That’s $40 to fill up with gas! $40 every time!! How often do I need to buy it? 
Me: Your truck will get about 12 miles for every gallon. It’s about 12 miles to Madilyn’s house. 
Keagan: what?!?! It will cost me $2 to just drive to her house.
Me: And $2 to get home, plus your drive to school
Keagan: You’re paying, right? Cause that $100 will be gone in a week.

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