Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Operation Koi Pond

Wes has been adamant about building a koi pond. He tried to justify it by telling me koi eat mosquito larvae, and since I’m bitten every time I step off the porch, I agreed to the project. This week he began the dig with a real feel of 96 degrees. He and Evan worked all through the heat of the day, but they got the hole dug and the pond set in the ground by dinner time.

All of that sun exposure gave Wes a headache. He told me he knew he must be old because he could remember the days he was able to easily do hard labor in the heat while hungover and with only four hours of sleep. 

Tuesday Wes and Evan set the gravel, stones, and rock. I pulled weeds, and Keagan supervised from the second floor of the house while playing FIFA. By dinner time we had a pond with a working pump and filter. 

On Wednesday we added water plants. 

Upon further research we found the koi fish are too big for our pond, so today we added three goldfish. 

Now get to work on those larvae!!

1 comment:

  1. Good job guys...It looks refreshing...and those goldfish will get big too..not as big as Koi...I am glad Wes had help with his project...
