Tuesday, July 21, 2020

It’s Not Banff

It’s not Banff; it’s not even Canada. But we are together for a week of summer vacation. First up on the agenda was a float down the Harpeth River. 

The girls wanted to know where the rapids were. The float didn’t have much excitement until we got to the rope swing. The snakes added some more drama, too. 

Monday we spent the day at Cheatam Dam so the boys could fish and the girls could swim.

Keagan is holding a rod and this will probably never happen again. We made sure to take a pic.

Mallory decided she wanted to be buried in the sand. Caroline obliged. Just as the last scoop of sand was piled on, we hear, “You girls need to be careful of sand tick fleas.” 
“Uh, huh. Tick fleas.”
“Uh,huh. Tick fleas.”
“Tick fleas?”

I have never seen two girls rinse off so quickly! After four hours of sand and water fun, we had to pull them out of the water. 

We have all had a bit too much of the sun and the extreme heat real feels. We will need a day indoors tomorrow. 

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