Saturday, July 25, 2020

That’s a Wrap

Our week with the fam bam ended today in Paris,

(Oh now I wish I was about to type France) Tennessee, home of the biggest fish fry and a replica of the Eiffel Tower. The boys and I made the drive to watch Mallory guest play in a tournament for a local softball team. 

She got an out, a hit, and a stolen base while we were there to watch. I’m pretty sure that now means we are her good luck charms. I’ve told her this means she must come back to Tennessee to play again. She whole heartedly agrees!

Meanwhile Wes stayed home so the floor company could reseal our floors that were damaged by the paint team. That’s a wrap with home repair projects for the year. I have a list started for the next round of projects, but that is on hold until next May as I do not want any more strangers in my house and I’m out of money!

My house is quiet. The dog is calm. The floors are clean. I’m not cooking. My plan is now to sleep the rest of the weekend. 

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