Sunday, March 29, 2020

The Deck

I have a beautiful and large deck. I love it except it’s painted blue. I don’t want a blue deck. I want a wood-stained deck with a screened in porch. 

I interviewed four teams in January about having my deck sanded and stained. I had many people eager to build me a new deck but no one wanted to mess with the paint. Some stopped returning my calls. Others  claimed it couldn’t be done. Then I found a couple of good-‘ole boys who knew enough to get it done but not enough to know how difficult it would be. 

The first day they tried a paint stripper. This is all that came up. This would be great if I was going for a weathered look. 

They spent day two trying to sand by hand. This what got done.

The next day they brought a large belt sander. They still didn’t get much more paint off.

At lunch time it was decided that we would need to turn the boards over and put the paint side down. Monday we try plan number four. I’m crossing my fingers for a positive outcome. I already have my new outdoor rug ordered. 

1 comment:

  1. A large floor sander should work. It works on my DIY show..Hometown on some really grungy floors. good luck. I bet it will be beautiful once finished.
