Wednesday, March 18, 2020


This is day six of the boys’ quarantine but I use that word loosely. Saturday the boys were with their girlfriends, and on Sunday they were with their best friends. By Tuesday Evan was so bored he offered to go with me to Hobby Lobby to pick up craft supplies. On Wednesday Keagan asked me five times if I planned to go grocery shopping; he was in need of Little Bites and all things full of additional carbs. 

I’m on day one of the quarantine as the government was late to join the stay-at-home game. I scrapbooked the last year of the boys’ lives in my new craft room. Three more days, though, and my to-do list will be completed. However will I fill my time if this lasts for weeks? I’ve dreamed of free time for months, and my introverted self  loves being home, but I never imagined this. I can only hope the rain stops so we can get outside!

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