Friday, March 20, 2020

Spring Break

It’s spring break, so I should be packing. I should be going to the airport tomorrow for my long-awaited dream trip to Peru. Instead I have pulling weeds and doing taxes on my to-do list. 

The Corona virus is causing major changes to our day-to-day lives. Namely, we have no life. The gym closed Tuesday. Restaurants began closing Thursday. Church is closed for a month. No sports or practices allowed. Schools are closed for the next two months. Now that I am done with remote teaching, I have no idea how I will fill my days. 

With a full week of nothing, Keagan has had his fill of video games. Tonight he told me he had great news! Out of more than eight million people who play division 1 soccer in FIFA, he’s ranked in the top 200. I’m not really sure how to react to such an accomplishment. So my kids were doing something more than just sitting on the couch for the last seven days! He said, “No one can claim my soccer expertise.” 😂 There you go. So we aren’t going to Peru, but Keagan is a master of EA sports. 

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