Thursday, March 12, 2020

Craft Space

It’s only three weeks overdue, but my craft room is done! It is exactly what I sketched on my graph paper back in January.

I’m sure you see the resemblance.

When Wes saw my well sketched designed, my meticulous measurements, and my pencil outlines on the wall of the craft room, he laughed. I told him I was confused. Doesn’t everyone draw, measure, and plan before a big job? Because he wasn’t able to “see” my vision, I had the carpenter draw it up for me. 

They look exactly alike, but he some how thought this pic made it all much clearer. 😂

I’m so thankful I had a carpenter who could follow my rough sketches and the lines drawn on the wall to give me this! 

Although I was hoping for a few snow days to keep me home, an anticipated quarantine in the next week will also do the trick. If you need me, I will be in here just scrapbooking away.  

Next job? The screened in porch! I can’t wait to sit outside bug and dog free!

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