Monday, April 23, 2018

High School Rivalry

It’s our version of Friday Night Lights. We swapped the helmets for shin guards and exchanged the football for a soccer ball. We played our rival highschool this weekend, and we came home with a win. Evan played the full JV game and assisted the team in getting a shutout, 3-0. 

He was supposed to play in the varsity game, too, but in the last fifteen minutes of the JV game, another player slide tackled his ankle. Evan tried icing and stretching it, but the swelling just kept increasing. He sat the varsity game out. I hated his missing the game because he wanted nothing more than to keep the opposing team (and Harrison) scoreless. It just was t meant to be. We ended up with a win, but it was not with ease. We will play the same team again in district playoffs. Evan will be ready!

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