Saturday, April 14, 2018

Soccer Saturday

Hard rain and straight line winds cancelled our weekend of soccer, but not before Keagan got his state league game played. Today’s game was against the team with two of his best friends. As luck would have it, Keagan played defense on Chance’s side of the field. There was a lot of trash talking in between plays (or maybe Fortnight tips were shared - we aren’t sure).

Keagan won every ball and kept them scoreless. We won 4-0. 

We maintain our third place standing and hope to move up after next weekend’s games. 

Evan was set to make more than $300 reffing this weekend, but with the bad weather, he’s coming home with only $35. Not a bad hourly rate, but he has his heart set on a Jeep. He’s not getting a Jeep anytime soon if this weather doesn’t cooperate.

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