Sunday, December 3, 2017

Teaching a Teen to Drive

I have seen many friends post pictures of their kids learning to drive. I always thought that was too far away for me to worry about. I filed it away as a future parenting task that I needn’t worry with now. Afterall, in our state your child must be 15 to take the wheel. Then it hit me! My boy IS 15 and he needs to learn to drive NOW! After basketball practice, I let him take the wheel through the neighborhood.

It was the most stressful ten minutes of my life. When a young child ran from his garage into the driveway, just as we approached the house, Evan said the event caused him to suffer PTSD. I guess I wasn’t the only one stressed.

I can’t believe I was 13 when I drove for the first time -  and on a hilly, two lane road at that! After today, I really feel drivers ed is in our future. 

1 comment:

  1. wish he had been here...both Amy and Wes learned on a golf cart...and then on country roads...oh can not believe it is already here...
