Thursday, December 7, 2017

St. Nicholas Day

St. Nicholas was delayed this year - something about a delay in finding xl soccer pants even though I placed my order as early as October 27. He arrived just as soon as UPS was able to make it to our house. The boys didn’t seem to mind. They would probably forget if I didn’t say anything about it. However, the boots just don’t hold adult size sweatshirts and the boys associate shoes with sweat, so we skipped the traditional boots.

Keagan’s Spurs sweatshirt was deemed “fire” and carried “heat.” I think this means he will keep it and not burn it. 

Evan dumped all of his candy in his backpack and said it was all gone by second period. I want to say sorry to his morning teachers.

Eighteen days until Santa arrives and twenty days until  I’m on a jet plane to the Caribbean!

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