Sunday, December 3, 2017

Family Fun at the Holidays

Last week a photo popped up from our trip to the National Botanical Gardens and holiday train show from ten years ago. It was such a sweet memory! The boys were 5 and 3; Thomas the Tank Engine was on a first name basis in our house, and we just had to take the boys to see the holiday train displays. 

I was lamenting that recently the boys’ winter sports schedules have precluded us from doing many of the local holiday events. I have a list of places to go and things to do, but we just don’t usually have the down time. So with a rare, free Saturday afternoon this weekend, I bit the bullet and bought tickets to see a holiday production at the local theatre. 

It was supposed to be a great family fun day. Evan fell asleep within the first twenty minutes - a hard sleep that had his body twitching and his mouth drooling. We let him sleep. At the finale, the audience began clapping. Evan awoke with a start and started clapping, too, even though he had no idea where he was or why people were clapping. 

It was hilarious! Note to self, some weekends should just be for sleeping!

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