Tuesday, August 9, 2016

We Almost Made the News

"Well, let's hope we don't do something to make it on the channel 4 news tonight." We started our morning canoe trip all smiles and laughing at the absurdity of a possible rescue and making the evening news. The scenery was beautiful, and I couldn't believe we had waited three years to float down the Red River.

Our smiles were short lived, though.

We floated, tread, swam, and almost sank in the river all in just a matter of minutes. Evan blames my paddling; I blamed the current. Nevertheless, the two of us were left hanging from a tree branch when our canoe hit a stump and tipped. Keagan was laughing at the mishap until the canoe filled with water and we could not lift it to empty the water to save our lives. We were stuck! Keagan and Wes tried to yell supportive advice from the opposite bank, but I thought for sure we would need a rescue. After half an hour, we figured out a way to use the tree, the same tree I clung to for my life just a few minutes prior, to lift the canoe and dump the water. 

Evan and I were back on the water ready to go when Keagan tripped on the bank and sprained his ankle! I saw the soccer season crumble in front of my eyes. But Keagan got up and hobbled back to the canoe - there wasn't much else he could do.

We were now all four in the water ready to finally have "fun" when we realized we lost a life jacket in the fiasco. Wes and Keagan attempted to retrieve it, and then their canoe tipped, too! 

At this point, all anyone could think about was dry land. We were paddling like crazy trying to get to a safe spot when Evan lost his paddle!

One sprained ankle, one annoyed teen, one scared mom, and one wet dad made for a real "fun" group. At this time in the trip, Keagan asked who was having fun.

It will probably be three more years before we do it again.

1 comment:

  1. oh my....I am glad you got to finally go..but ...don't do that again..lol...not in a canoe...oh wow..praise the good Lord ya'll are ok...Love you..
