Monday, August 1, 2016

Do you know what time it is?

Do you know what time it is?

People, Evan has been waiting for this day since February. Soon the fire place will be lined with football helmets and season predictions. Soon the tv will only air the NFL channel. Soon all evening conversations will revolve around season ending injuries and debates about starting line-ups. 

People, it's the football pre-season! Evan is beside himself with excitement. This morning he recalled, in great detail, the first Cowboys football game that he completely understood and how upset he was with the coaching of Wade Phillips. We were living in Virginia in the eagle house. He remembered the final score of 43-7. He remembered going to bed in tears. 

He was five! At the age of 13, little has changed. There are still lots of disappointments, tears, and frustrations with the Cowboys. My hope is this season will give us more than eight wins!

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