Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Travel Soccer Like Never Before

This is the first fall sports season that Evan hasn't played football. It's killing me, but it's eating him alive. He won't admit it; he has tried justifying it any way he can. However, we couldn't fathom his playing Regional Premiere League in soccer and football at the same time, so he chose soccer. I will tell you he is much happier (i.e: less cranky, less tired) only playing one sport, but I wish we could ditch school and have him play both. With that said, travel soccer season is upon us. The first weekend of travel took us to Greensboro, NC. What a drive! In the dark! In the rain! We arrived eight hours later at 1:50 am!

We won game one 3-1. Then we played CESA. We lost that game 0-3; it was a tough game to a very good team. 

My co-workers think I'm crazy. "There's no way I'd spend four nights a week in another city taking my kids to practice much less give up every weekend." I can't imagine not! I mean, it's so fun!

Next travel weekend Wes drives the seven hours to South Carolina, and I get to watch Keagan play.

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