Sunday, August 21, 2016

Happy 12th Birthday, Keagan

It has been a month long celebration for Keagan. We started celebrating the first weekend of August when he picked out his new bike. ("Because you can't play Pokemon Go on foot. I mean, all the guys are using their bikes to catch 'em!") Then, we had his surprise birthday party.

Presents from family trickled in almost daily the week of his birthday. 

And, finally, on the morning of his birthday he celebrated with doughnuts.

Keagan, you are the most compassionate, empathetic 12 year old I know. You are a true leader and have the ability to encourage and befriend anyone who crosses your path. If this wasn't reason enough to love you, we are awed by your quick wit and ability to make us laugh in any situation. We are continually impressed by your athletic prowess and your ability to consistently play sports with such heart and passion. Your future is surely filled with huge accomplishments, big wins, and friendships that will last a lifetime. I have no doubt you will make your mark on this world, and it will surely be a better place because of you!

Happy 12th birthday, Baby Boy.

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