Friday, August 12, 2016

We Pulled it Off!

We celebrated Keagan's birthday one week early with a surprise party at Excape Games. Keagan had NO clue and was completely caught off guard.

He thought we were going to an Army/office party tonight. I told him days ago that we had to support the agents by attending a family support meeting. Evan even gave a convincing performance moaning about how he didn't want to spend his Friday night with people he didn't know. 

Keagan fell asleep today after school, and when I tried to wake him up to go to the "office" party he yelled, "I'm not going to that crappy party. I'm rolling over and going back to sleep. You tell Dad I don't care about any work party." 

Yeah, he feels real guilty right now. 

Now, for the past hour, we haven't heard anything but how great and fun and wonderful his "office" party was. We even heard it was the best birthday party yet!

The guys didn't escape, but they had a great time trying to. 

Happy early birthday, Keagan!

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