Monday, August 8, 2016

Back to School

It's the first day of the 2016-2017 school year, and for the first time in my career, I report to school later than the boys. I had the day off and could have walked the kids to their homerooms and met their teachers. But the guys are in middle school, and I was not allowed anywhere beyond the parking lot's drop off zone. It's an exciting day for them, but all I can think about is spring soccer and watching them play middle school games together! It will be epic!

Keagan loves his team of teachers and says "freedom" is the best part of middle school. 

Evan's first day report included an invitation to join the school's drama program. He told the club sponsor, "I'm good."  In other words, "when hell freezes over."

Tomorrow we have the day off - all four of us. It will probably be the last day all four of us are at home together for a full day until Thanksgiving.

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