Sunday, August 28, 2016

Killin' It on Defense

Keagan's new soccer team started off shaky. I cringed throughout the entire friendly two weeks ago when Coach took a "developmental" approach. Then Keagan got in the car last week crying because "no one takes practice serious enough. Even Coach is laughing and cuttin' up!" I'll admit I wondered what was going on when we started practice ten minutes late on Wednesday and ended ten minutes early. But something must be working. 

We won our first state league game 3-0 and won today's SL game 8-1. Keagan is playing left back on defense and rockin' it!

Today's game had him playing against three of the boys from his old team. It was great to see them back on the pitch together - even if they were opponents. 

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Travel Soccer Like Never Before

This is the first fall sports season that Evan hasn't played football. It's killing me, but it's eating him alive. He won't admit it; he has tried justifying it any way he can. However, we couldn't fathom his playing Regional Premiere League in soccer and football at the same time, so he chose soccer. I will tell you he is much happier (i.e: less cranky, less tired) only playing one sport, but I wish we could ditch school and have him play both. With that said, travel soccer season is upon us. The first weekend of travel took us to Greensboro, NC. What a drive! In the dark! In the rain! We arrived eight hours later at 1:50 am!

We won game one 3-1. Then we played CESA. We lost that game 0-3; it was a tough game to a very good team. 

My co-workers think I'm crazy. "There's no way I'd spend four nights a week in another city taking my kids to practice much less give up every weekend." I can't imagine not! I mean, it's so fun!

Next travel weekend Wes drives the seven hours to South Carolina, and I get to watch Keagan play.

Sunday, August 21, 2016

Happy 12th Birthday, Keagan

It has been a month long celebration for Keagan. We started celebrating the first weekend of August when he picked out his new bike. ("Because you can't play Pokemon Go on foot. I mean, all the guys are using their bikes to catch 'em!") Then, we had his surprise birthday party.

Presents from family trickled in almost daily the week of his birthday. 

And, finally, on the morning of his birthday he celebrated with doughnuts.

Keagan, you are the most compassionate, empathetic 12 year old I know. You are a true leader and have the ability to encourage and befriend anyone who crosses your path. If this wasn't reason enough to love you, we are awed by your quick wit and ability to make us laugh in any situation. We are continually impressed by your athletic prowess and your ability to consistently play sports with such heart and passion. Your future is surely filled with huge accomplishments, big wins, and friendships that will last a lifetime. I have no doubt you will make your mark on this world, and it will surely be a better place because of you!

Happy 12th birthday, Baby Boy.

Friday, August 12, 2016

We Pulled it Off!

We celebrated Keagan's birthday one week early with a surprise party at Excape Games. Keagan had NO clue and was completely caught off guard.

He thought we were going to an Army/office party tonight. I told him days ago that we had to support the agents by attending a family support meeting. Evan even gave a convincing performance moaning about how he didn't want to spend his Friday night with people he didn't know. 

Keagan fell asleep today after school, and when I tried to wake him up to go to the "office" party he yelled, "I'm not going to that crappy party. I'm rolling over and going back to sleep. You tell Dad I don't care about any work party." 

Yeah, he feels real guilty right now. 

Now, for the past hour, we haven't heard anything but how great and fun and wonderful his "office" party was. We even heard it was the best birthday party yet!

The guys didn't escape, but they had a great time trying to. 

Happy early birthday, Keagan!

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

We Almost Made the News

"Well, let's hope we don't do something to make it on the channel 4 news tonight." We started our morning canoe trip all smiles and laughing at the absurdity of a possible rescue and making the evening news. The scenery was beautiful, and I couldn't believe we had waited three years to float down the Red River.

Our smiles were short lived, though.

We floated, tread, swam, and almost sank in the river all in just a matter of minutes. Evan blames my paddling; I blamed the current. Nevertheless, the two of us were left hanging from a tree branch when our canoe hit a stump and tipped. Keagan was laughing at the mishap until the canoe filled with water and we could not lift it to empty the water to save our lives. We were stuck! Keagan and Wes tried to yell supportive advice from the opposite bank, but I thought for sure we would need a rescue. After half an hour, we figured out a way to use the tree, the same tree I clung to for my life just a few minutes prior, to lift the canoe and dump the water. 

Evan and I were back on the water ready to go when Keagan tripped on the bank and sprained his ankle! I saw the soccer season crumble in front of my eyes. But Keagan got up and hobbled back to the canoe - there wasn't much else he could do.

We were now all four in the water ready to finally have "fun" when we realized we lost a life jacket in the fiasco. Wes and Keagan attempted to retrieve it, and then their canoe tipped, too! 

At this point, all anyone could think about was dry land. We were paddling like crazy trying to get to a safe spot when Evan lost his paddle!

One sprained ankle, one annoyed teen, one scared mom, and one wet dad made for a real "fun" group. At this time in the trip, Keagan asked who was having fun.

It will probably be three more years before we do it again.

Monday, August 8, 2016

Back to School

It's the first day of the 2016-2017 school year, and for the first time in my career, I report to school later than the boys. I had the day off and could have walked the kids to their homerooms and met their teachers. But the guys are in middle school, and I was not allowed anywhere beyond the parking lot's drop off zone. It's an exciting day for them, but all I can think about is spring soccer and watching them play middle school games together! It will be epic!

Keagan loves his team of teachers and says "freedom" is the best part of middle school. 

Evan's first day report included an invitation to join the school's drama program. He told the club sponsor, "I'm good."  In other words, "when hell freezes over."

Tomorrow we have the day off - all four of us. It will probably be the last day all four of us are at home together for a full day until Thanksgiving.

Sunday, August 7, 2016

The Book Was Better

I almost pushed my luck with getting the boys to tour one more historical site with me before we say adios to summer. There was a mini-revolt when we pulled into the parking lot, but I had read the Civil War book about the Carnton Plantation and I had to see it for myself.

The book was better - except for maybe the description of the garden. 

After all of these summer day trips, I know just about all anyone ever needs to know about the Battle of Franklin and the history of Nashville. I found my second calling and think historian will be in my next job title. 

Time to set the alarm! Hello school year 2016-2017!

Saturday, August 6, 2016

Farewell Summer Time

We bid farewell to summer vacation with another road trip. We began with food at an iconic restaurant in Nashville. 

While waiting the 1.5 hours for a table, we played a corn hole tourney. Parents vs. Kids. As with any athletic event or sport, it came easy for Keagan. He threw twice and was quickly a corn hole expert, but his partner's "man hands" kept him from the big win. The parents won three games to two. 

After our lunch, we headed down the Natchez Trace Parkway for some site seeing, hiking, and photo ops. 

Summer vacation has been wonderful this year - long, relaxing, and filled with adventure. It was just what we all needed after a very exhausting school year. Now our crazy begins all over again.

Monday, August 1, 2016

Do you know what time it is?

Do you know what time it is?

People, Evan has been waiting for this day since February. Soon the fire place will be lined with football helmets and season predictions. Soon the tv will only air the NFL channel. Soon all evening conversations will revolve around season ending injuries and debates about starting line-ups. 

People, it's the football pre-season! Evan is beside himself with excitement. This morning he recalled, in great detail, the first Cowboys football game that he completely understood and how upset he was with the coaching of Wade Phillips. We were living in Virginia in the eagle house. He remembered the final score of 43-7. He remembered going to bed in tears. 

He was five! At the age of 13, little has changed. There are still lots of disappointments, tears, and frustrations with the Cowboys. My hope is this season will give us more than eight wins!