Saturday, July 2, 2016

'Merica, Land of the Free

Fourth of July. A time for cookouts, fireworks, and..,,basketball? Leave it to us to be a bit non-traditional. 

We spent day one of our four day weekend learning about the Battle of Franklin while touring the Lotz House.

Not one person complained when I suggested we tour a historical site. Perhaps it was the promise of food that kept their mouths closed, but nevertheless, I think we all learned something. Sshhh...I have a similar trip (and a stop at an icecream shop) planned for next week's 3/4 Family Fun Day. 

Day two was spent on the courts with Evan's basketball team. His team easily won the 4th of July Shootout. In fact, in game two the opposing team walked off the court with still twelve minutes remaining in the game! We were only winning by 39 points; we have beaten other teams by an even larger margin. 

Meanwhile, Keagan stayed at home and exercised his right to bear arms. 

We wrapped up the first half of the weekend eating s'mores and watching the neighborhood fireworks show. 

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