Monday, July 25, 2016

I Told You So

Only two more weeks of summer and my summer must-see list still has must-sees left to see. The heat is oppressive and the real feel hit 102 before noon, but if we don't see the sites now, it will be next June before we get another chance. Poor us! We spent another day as tourists. 

We  toured Belle Meade Plantation, and we learned about the stud farm and the legendary horse, Iroquois. 

The boys were not eager to leave the house this morning; they've become hermits this summer preferring to spend the long hot afternoons in front of the tv, eating ice cream, and taking naps. Staying cool. However, they were both intrigued when I told them the slave that ran the stables and trained the horses ended up being the highest paid Black man of his time. They were hooked with that fact and wanted to know more, even if they would have never admitted it. Their disinterest and apathy were just a ruse. 

At the end of the tour they agreed it was worth giving up another re-run of Modern Family or Big Bang to learn about Nashville's history. I couldn't pass up the opportunity and said, "I told you so."

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