Wednesday, July 20, 2016

The Falls

I have been bummed for weeks about not getting a family vacation this summer. Wes has been super busy at work and hasn't been able to get away. On the upside, because we haven't been able to make it to the beach, I have made it a priority to see as much of the local sites as possible this summer. I made a list in May, and we are slowing scratching each tourist site off. Today's 3/4 Family Fun Day took place in Cummins Falls, the most beautiful place in Tennessee and perhaps the best reason we didn't get to go to the beach this summer.

We took a nice hike through the woods, then traversed the creek, climbed over rocks and reached here.

My picture isn't nearly as stunning; this was posted on the FB page. This place literally took my breath away. The boys swam, climbed to the top of the falls, jumped into the gorge, and explored every nook and cranny. We had lunch at the water's edge, and just when the heat became unbearable, we made our way back up the creek, through the woods, and to the parking lot.

The hike back to the car was tough, but it was totally worth it because I got to spend a wonderful day in a beautiful place with my boys. It was so perfect, this just may become a summer tradition.

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