Saturday, July 16, 2016

Road Trip Through Corn Fields

This is the summer of road trips. I feel like we have lived in the car driving through state after state, corn field after corn field, hitting every tourist site imaginable. This morning we are headed back to Bloomington to pick up Evan from soccer camp. We stopped half way in Evansville to see the WW2 ship LST-325, but Keagan got hungry before our tour began. Hungry Keagan is not very nice to be around, so I aborted our plans to tour the ship and went on a search for food.

Keagan and I made it to Bloomington and headed straight to campus hoping to sight Evan. Keagan admittedly has missed Evan the past few days. He has had to play World Cup with the cat and shoot hoops by himself. He's also had to race up the stairs against his shadow and that isn't nearly as much fun as beating Evan. He's called Evan at break time every day to share his progress in NBA2K and to ask how camp is going. Their bond is like none other, so Keagan just had to see him. We spotted Evan just as we were about to give up our search. All was well so we resumed our tour of campus, one of the most beautiful college campuses I have seen. 

Tomorrow we bring our young soccer star home.

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