Friday, July 8, 2016

Summer of History Lessons

For today's summer adventure, we toured Historic Rock Castle. I think I missed my calling and should have majored in history. I found it very fascinating, but none of us were as taken by the story of Daniel Smith like we were of last week's Lotz family. Then again, our tour guide wasn't wearing green eye shadow with a knack for dramatic stage performances. 

However, I can't imagine someone giving me 3000 acres of land and then crossing mountains in a wagon to claim it. Nor can I imagine building a house with a bell tower so I can alert the field hands of Indian attacks. Nor can I imagine having a sugar chest that locks away my sugar in a safe place since it's sold only once a year when the boat makes the trip from the Caribbean.

The boys didn't even make me buy them lunch today. Evan was horrified that most of the population was eating lunch at the ungodly hour of 12:30. "We just had breakfast; how can they eat lunch now?" Oh, to be a teen on summer vacation and sleep until 10:00!

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