Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Soccer Camp, Dorm Rooms, and Indians

Today I dropped Evan off at his first Nike ID camp. 

He was less than enthusiastic about having to share a bathroom with 40 guys, and he was even more concerned with the smell of "booty" that emanated from his room's carpets. 

However, I think full days of soccer, late nights with friends, and life without parental guidance will quickly outweigh any inconveniences or smells. 

As I said good-bye and started walking down the hall, I heard giddiness and excitement when the guys started pulling out their best snacks. My boy didn't even wave good-bye once he saw his teammates's extra large bag of Sour Patch Kids. Evan was ready to dive in.

I thought I might hide in the parking lot and then try to secretly photograph the boys as they made their way to the first session, but then Keagan, the Voice of Reason, told me that was weird. We hit the road headed back home and stopped mid-way at Angel Mounds, the remains of an Indian village.  

Keagan appeased me and acted like he was six again and climbed into the canoe for a picture, 

he tried his hand at building a thatch roof,

and otherwise acted extremely interested in Mississipian Indian culture. He even agreed with me when I told him that I found it very interesting. Then he thanked me for taking him on an adventure. 

I will treasure this afternoon with him because one day he will be 13 and more excited about Sour Patch Kids than hanging with his mom!

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