Saturday, July 30, 2016

My Question is Answered

I figured it out! My age old question has been answered! This is what people do on the weekends when they don't play sports. 

They go to the local distillery with the family and listen to live music. 

They soak up the scenery and appreciate the simplicity of life in the country. 

They dance to the music and eat bottomless snow cones.

They watch the beautiful sunset. 

I could get used to this.

Friday, July 29, 2016

Rollin' on the River

Our summer of fun continued today with a scenic boat ride down the Cumberland River with the extended family. 

We rode along the bluffs and saw blue herons, turtles, and ospreys, but the kids were most impressed with the mallets used to crack peanuts at the snack station. 

The kids played bouncy ball games, observed birds with binoculars, and just enjoyed being together. 

What a perfect day!

Monday, July 25, 2016

I Told You So

Only two more weeks of summer and my summer must-see list still has must-sees left to see. The heat is oppressive and the real feel hit 102 before noon, but if we don't see the sites now, it will be next June before we get another chance. Poor us! We spent another day as tourists. 

We  toured Belle Meade Plantation, and we learned about the stud farm and the legendary horse, Iroquois. 

The boys were not eager to leave the house this morning; they've become hermits this summer preferring to spend the long hot afternoons in front of the tv, eating ice cream, and taking naps. Staying cool. However, they were both intrigued when I told them the slave that ran the stables and trained the horses ended up being the highest paid Black man of his time. They were hooked with that fact and wanted to know more, even if they would have never admitted it. Their disinterest and apathy were just a ruse. 

At the end of the tour they agreed it was worth giving up another re-run of Modern Family or Big Bang to learn about Nashville's history. I couldn't pass up the opportunity and said, "I told you so."

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

The Falls

I have been bummed for weeks about not getting a family vacation this summer. Wes has been super busy at work and hasn't been able to get away. On the upside, because we haven't been able to make it to the beach, I have made it a priority to see as much of the local sites as possible this summer. I made a list in May, and we are slowing scratching each tourist site off. Today's 3/4 Family Fun Day took place in Cummins Falls, the most beautiful place in Tennessee and perhaps the best reason we didn't get to go to the beach this summer.

We took a nice hike through the woods, then traversed the creek, climbed over rocks and reached here.

My picture isn't nearly as stunning; this was posted on the FB page. This place literally took my breath away. The boys swam, climbed to the top of the falls, jumped into the gorge, and explored every nook and cranny. We had lunch at the water's edge, and just when the heat became unbearable, we made our way back up the creek, through the woods, and to the parking lot.

The hike back to the car was tough, but it was totally worth it because I got to spend a wonderful day in a beautiful place with my boys. It was so perfect, this just may become a summer tradition.

Monday, July 18, 2016

Friends for Forty Years

How did these two East Texas girls end up living in Middle Tennessee? 

It's been four years since we have seen each other, and we only live 64 miles from each other! I can promise you our next lunch date will be sooner than another 1460 days!

Sunday, July 17, 2016

"My Buddy is Back"

"I got my buddy back." This is what Keagan said just as the closing ceremonies wrapped up today at IU.

Evan does not look nearly as enthused. The boy was sunburned and in need of sleep! He slept all the way home and awoke with bloodshot eyes. The boy was tired! 

He and his roommate were runners-up in the cleanest room competition, and they both promised they showered every day! This is a miracle for any 13 year old boy, but especially mine!

The boys have already chosen next year's university program!

Saturday, July 16, 2016

Road Trip Through Corn Fields

This is the summer of road trips. I feel like we have lived in the car driving through state after state, corn field after corn field, hitting every tourist site imaginable. This morning we are headed back to Bloomington to pick up Evan from soccer camp. We stopped half way in Evansville to see the WW2 ship LST-325, but Keagan got hungry before our tour began. Hungry Keagan is not very nice to be around, so I aborted our plans to tour the ship and went on a search for food.

Keagan and I made it to Bloomington and headed straight to campus hoping to sight Evan. Keagan admittedly has missed Evan the past few days. He has had to play World Cup with the cat and shoot hoops by himself. He's also had to race up the stairs against his shadow and that isn't nearly as much fun as beating Evan. He's called Evan at break time every day to share his progress in NBA2K and to ask how camp is going. Their bond is like none other, so Keagan just had to see him. We spotted Evan just as we were about to give up our search. All was well so we resumed our tour of campus, one of the most beautiful college campuses I have seen. 

Tomorrow we bring our young soccer star home.

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Soccer Camp, Dorm Rooms, and Indians

Today I dropped Evan off at his first Nike ID camp. 

He was less than enthusiastic about having to share a bathroom with 40 guys, and he was even more concerned with the smell of "booty" that emanated from his room's carpets. 

However, I think full days of soccer, late nights with friends, and life without parental guidance will quickly outweigh any inconveniences or smells. 

As I said good-bye and started walking down the hall, I heard giddiness and excitement when the guys started pulling out their best snacks. My boy didn't even wave good-bye once he saw his teammates's extra large bag of Sour Patch Kids. Evan was ready to dive in.

I thought I might hide in the parking lot and then try to secretly photograph the boys as they made their way to the first session, but then Keagan, the Voice of Reason, told me that was weird. We hit the road headed back home and stopped mid-way at Angel Mounds, the remains of an Indian village.  

Keagan appeased me and acted like he was six again and climbed into the canoe for a picture, 

he tried his hand at building a thatch roof,

and otherwise acted extremely interested in Mississipian Indian culture. He even agreed with me when I told him that I found it very interesting. Then he thanked me for taking him on an adventure. 

I will treasure this afternoon with him because one day he will be 13 and more excited about Sour Patch Kids than hanging with his mom!

Friday, July 8, 2016

Summer of History Lessons

For today's summer adventure, we toured Historic Rock Castle. I think I missed my calling and should have majored in history. I found it very fascinating, but none of us were as taken by the story of Daniel Smith like we were of last week's Lotz family. Then again, our tour guide wasn't wearing green eye shadow with a knack for dramatic stage performances. 

However, I can't imagine someone giving me 3000 acres of land and then crossing mountains in a wagon to claim it. Nor can I imagine building a house with a bell tower so I can alert the field hands of Indian attacks. Nor can I imagine having a sugar chest that locks away my sugar in a safe place since it's sold only once a year when the boat makes the trip from the Caribbean.

The boys didn't even make me buy them lunch today. Evan was horrified that most of the population was eating lunch at the ungodly hour of 12:30. "We just had breakfast; how can they eat lunch now?" Oh, to be a teen on summer vacation and sleep until 10:00!

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

A Boy's Love for Fast Cars

This week's 3/4 Family Fun Day was filled with lots of down time, but we managed to fill our rainy day with more than just EuroCup finals, Law and Order re-runs, and games of pool. 

We started with a trip to Bowling Green to the Corvette Museum. 

Keagan has been a fast car enthusiast ever since he saw the movie "Cars" when he was three. In fact, after watching "Speed Racer" he told me he planned to be a NASCAR driver when he grew up. He played with matchbox cars and designed racing courses when he was five, and he collected die-cast cars for years. So this place has been calling his name. 

I'm not sure it was worth three hours in the car for an half hour of car gazing. In fact, I was more taken by the sink hole in the middle of the museum, but Keagan loved it. 

And kudos to Evan. He went with us without saying one negative word and to thank him, I didn't make him take a picture. 

Monday, July 4, 2016

Land of the Free

Our Independence Day was filled with excellent food, friends, and fireworks, but the holiday was almost ruined when KD announced he was moving to Golden State. Keagan was beside himself, filled with disappointment and angst. He came downstairs to vent his frustrations and then boldly announced he planned to burn his KD jersey. I tried to console him; he wouldn't have it. A few seconds later he reconsidered and said, "Mom, I think I need a hug." 

America! Land of the brave and land of the free-to-make-your-own-decisions.

Sunday, July 3, 2016

See You Laters Do Come a True

For two years we met just about every morning to discuss student progress, the hardships of deployment, living life as a mil spouse, our calling to be teachers, and maybe a few frustrations with all of the above. After three years, though, it is as if we are still walking the halls of Diamond Elementary.

Seeing Liz today totally made my weekend! And in true Nashville style we actually heard a voice we recognized from the radio. We went to the hotel's happy hour to escape the heat and got to hear Kalie Shorr perform. We didn't plan it; it just happened. All around great night!

Saturday, July 2, 2016

'Merica, Land of the Free

Fourth of July. A time for cookouts, fireworks, and..,,basketball? Leave it to us to be a bit non-traditional. 

We spent day one of our four day weekend learning about the Battle of Franklin while touring the Lotz House.

Not one person complained when I suggested we tour a historical site. Perhaps it was the promise of food that kept their mouths closed, but nevertheless, I think we all learned something. Sshhh...I have a similar trip (and a stop at an icecream shop) planned for next week's 3/4 Family Fun Day. 

Day two was spent on the courts with Evan's basketball team. His team easily won the 4th of July Shootout. In fact, in game two the opposing team walked off the court with still twelve minutes remaining in the game! We were only winning by 39 points; we have beaten other teams by an even larger margin. 

Meanwhile, Keagan stayed at home and exercised his right to bear arms. 

We wrapped up the first half of the weekend eating s'mores and watching the neighborhood fireworks show.