Sunday, May 8, 2016

Mother's Day

Keagan made me the sweetest card and wrote the most heart felt letter for Mother's Day. He's got a heart of gold!

On the inside he wrote, "I love you more than Maybelle." It was reassuring to know I land one step above the cat. 

Evan had nothing for me. He came down the stairs this morning, and said, "This is a no card holiday, Mom, as in no yellow card." After five yellow cards in two weeks of games, this was the perfect gift. He speaks my love language! He followed through, too, because he went through all of today's game without even a foul called on him. 

To top it off, his team went undefeated and won the weekend tournament. 

Happy Mother's Day!

1 comment:

  1. Looks like you had a great Mother's Day..and to rate above Maybelle..well that is the highest complement..we know how Keagan loves that cat..Love you..Kacey..More than ole Deuce...
