Tuesday, May 24, 2016

I Don't Even Know You Any More

First, let me mention I had to stand on my tippy-toes to get this pic.

Next, the name of this pseudo-award system in language arts is The Duckie Awards. Ducks remind me of farms and nurseries, not advanced language. The hemisphere of my brain that tends to interpret everything in a very literal way is struggling with this. My brain says no when my heart wants to love a unique idea. 

Finally, it's like I don't even know you any more, Big E. You come home from school every day taller, changing before my eyes. Then, you get in trouble for talking when you barely say ten words on any given afternoon at the house. And today you leave language class with the microphone award for being the LOUDEST student in the class. Who are you any more? 

Be sure that your dad will remember this when he asks you to repeat something for the third time because you don't talk loud enough.

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