Sunday, May 22, 2016

Another Winning Season

Keagan had seven games this weekend, and although his basketball team didn't make it to the semi-finals, his soccer team made it to the finals and won! Last weekend he had a much easier schedule, and Sunday evening, he was driving us crazy with all of his pent up energy. Tonight, though, he can't get off the couch. That's evidence he had a great weekend!

We spent many hours in the sun watching games, field marshaling, and eating ice cream. While watching another team play today, Keagan randomly said, "I really like that center ref - even if he gave me my first yellow card." I have no idea how he remembers who was reffing a game two years ago; I don't even remember the play. 

We said good-bye to one of our players and friends, and we celebrated the last tourney of the season with Kung-Fu pictures. Someone needs to point out what this has to do with soccer because it's lost on me.

As co-captain of the team, Keagan gave his end of year team speech congratulating the guys for a winning season!

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