Friday, November 27, 2015


If this is any indication of a wonderful Thanksgiving, then ours was great. Within twenty minutes of eating his dinner and two pieces of pie, I found Evan like this.

This year we were blessed to have family travel to our house. Wes pulled duty on Thanksgiving day so that his guys could enjoy the day with their own families. Thankfully the phone did not ring and Wes was able to enjoy the day with us as well.

Today we said our good-byes to the extended family.

We had a wonderful traditional meal of fried turkey and all of the sides, the kids made turkey cookies, and we watched the Cowboys lose. We took the loss all in stride, though, with the consumption of a lot of alcohol. Well, everyone but Evan. Unfortunately, he couldn't bury his sorrows with any beer.

A Cowboy win or loss is really insignificant. Our family has so much more in which to be thankful.

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