Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Family, History, and the Great Outdoors

Family, history, and the great outdoors. Three of my favorite things all wrapped up into one! Today we spent the afternoon at a historical site walking through an old battlefield, watching boats on the Cumberland River, and searching the skies for eagles. It was a beautiful day to be outside!

Keagan gets extra credit for touring the Civil War battle site, so we made the hour long drive to the next county over and called it Family Fun Time. I don't know how much of the battle was actually learned. Keagan wanted to slide down the earthen trenches and run through the leaves more than he wanted anything to do with history.

Evan was not too happy about giving up his free day to spend it at a historical site, but I fed him Five Guys for lunch and he brightened up a bit. I told him he should be thankful; he didn't have to make two, count it! TWO, trips to Wal-Mart on the day before a major holiday. My sister and I did.

Keagan honed his photography skills; this one was by far the best.

Day five with the extended family of ten living in one house and everyone is still smiling. It is our holiday miracle!

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