Thursday, November 19, 2015

Land of the Free and the Brave

The annual Veterans Day program at the elementary school was held tonight. Keagan had a speaking part and narrated an introduction to the song "Blessed Peace." He nailed his lines.

When the invitation came home two weeks ago, Keagan tried his best to hide it. He didn't want to have anything to do with the program. Then a week prior to the performance the music teacher told him he had a nice singing voice, and she had a few lines for him to speak. At that point, I think he might have been happy to participate, but the teacher had a song that required them to perform a handkerchief routine. He was not happy about that.

He was one relieved boy at the end of the program - no more lines to worry with and no more jokes from his big brother about performing routines with colored streamers.

As for me, I saw it as another last. The last elementary school program.

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