Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Flying High

Evan made it (insert big sigh of relief)! Today we learned he was one of three sixth graders to make the middle school soccer team. With no school last week, I had more than enough time to check the online rosters, and I've been stalking the page like a crazy helicopter mom.

I was sweating it because we knew fifteen players from try-outs would be cut and all of them currently play travel soccer. That meant good players would have to be turned away. 

Our first game is in three weeks; I've purchased my red stadium seat and have my spirit wear ready. Go Hawks!

Monday, February 23, 2015

He Said It

My birthday was last Wednesday. Keagan wrote on my birthday card: "You aren't old. You still have some time left."

Wes: "Keagan, don't let the cat scratch the ottomans. They are made with Italian leather and are very expensive to replace."

Evan: "Keagan, did you know the playroom couch is made of German leather?"

Keagan: "Oooohhh! Really?"

Keagan: "I smell something! What's that good smell? It's something good, like blueberries! Mom, did you make blueberry muffins?"

"No, it's spaghetti."

"Same difference. They are both good."

Keagan: "Mom, where's the cookie roller?"
"What? Cookie roller?"
"The cookie roller. My legs hurt! I need the cookie roller to make it feel better."
(He reached in the drawer and pulled out a rolling pin and proceeded to massage his thighs with it.)

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Dream Team

I'm so happy to see Evan back on the court this weekend. I mean how can you be 5'9" at 12 and NOT play basketball? He won't admit it, but he is super happy to be there as well. In fact, his first week of practice he begged to skip travel soccer so he could attend a third basketball practice. This week he begged I risk my life to drive on ice to take him to the gym. 

Even more exciting is that Coach has hand-selected a dream team. We have two starting lineups; that's how much talent we have. This season will be exciting to watch!

Game one was Saturday. 

After the first forty points, we stopped cheering, even with amazing reverse layups, because the boys made it look so easy. 

Game two was Saturday afternoon.  

After thirty points, we stayed quiet because the opposing team's parents were so despondent over the disparity in skill levels. I was so embarrassed to have such a high score. 

Game three was Saturday night. This team was competitive the first ten minutes, but they weren't well-conditioned and couldn't maintain our game's pace.

We were back at it Sunday night. We won game four in the tournament easily even though the other parents said we were "playing dirty."

Sunday night we played in the championship game; Evan blocked a few shots. 

We won first place. 

This is sure to be the first of many to come. I'm so proud to be apart of this team.

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Cabin Fever

Zero is this morning's temperature with wind chills closer to negative fifteen. The roads are blocks of ice and more snow is expected tomorrow. We've been given the rest of the week off, and I have no idea how we will spend two more days in the house. I coerced Wes to take me into town yesterday, so I could buy staples to make gumbo. I have the freezer stocked with casseroles. I've researched ways to clean soap scum off glass shower walls. I've cleaned the house top to bottom. The laundry is done. I've read two books. I've memorized the path of the upcoming polar air mass. I've watched the European League soccer finals. I've seen every episode of Fixer Upper. I've played with the cat and found myself talking to her about cold weather and polar air masses. I've researched summer football camps. I've decided to clean my baseboards. I've shredded old hamburger buns and fed the birds. I've spent hours looking out my window trying to identify said birds.

Does this mean I have a case of cabin fever? Yes, without a doubt. But the boys think they are in heaven.

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Snow Day Part 2

We are still playing in the snow, cooking, and reading. 

The house is clean. Meals are prepared. We are all caught up on sleep. Now it's time to return to a routine. 

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Snow Day

We had a full five inches of ice and snow last night which means our three day weekend just stretched to four. Oh how I love a snow day! I made a killer shepards pie this morning and now I'm curled up on the couch with my second book of the weekend. 

The boys have gone sledding

and had snow ball fights.
Another three inches of snow is expected while we sleep. I think I foresee another snow day!

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Nothing Says Romance Like the Game of Soccer

After conflicts with basketball season, two canceled tournaments, and a trip to the ER, Keagan finally got to play in an indoor soccer tournament...on the night of Feb 14. Our team (and parents) spent a romantic evening in a middle school gym on Valentine's night with soccer, hot dogs, and nachos. So while my friends posted pictures of expensive dinners in swanky downtown restaurants,  I had only this to share.

I took solace in knowing that all of those winter foot skills classes have paid off. Keagan's foot work this weekend was impressive! Who needs braised beef when you can spend your money on killer moves?

But I won't lie. I can't wait until outdoor season. The concession stands sell gelato when it's hot!