Monday, February 23, 2015

He Said It

My birthday was last Wednesday. Keagan wrote on my birthday card: "You aren't old. You still have some time left."

Wes: "Keagan, don't let the cat scratch the ottomans. They are made with Italian leather and are very expensive to replace."

Evan: "Keagan, did you know the playroom couch is made of German leather?"

Keagan: "Oooohhh! Really?"

Keagan: "I smell something! What's that good smell? It's something good, like blueberries! Mom, did you make blueberry muffins?"

"No, it's spaghetti."

"Same difference. They are both good."

Keagan: "Mom, where's the cookie roller?"
"What? Cookie roller?"
"The cookie roller. My legs hurt! I need the cookie roller to make it feel better."
(He reached in the drawer and pulled out a rolling pin and proceeded to massage his thighs with it.)

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