Sunday, February 22, 2015

Dream Team

I'm so happy to see Evan back on the court this weekend. I mean how can you be 5'9" at 12 and NOT play basketball? He won't admit it, but he is super happy to be there as well. In fact, his first week of practice he begged to skip travel soccer so he could attend a third basketball practice. This week he begged I risk my life to drive on ice to take him to the gym. 

Even more exciting is that Coach has hand-selected a dream team. We have two starting lineups; that's how much talent we have. This season will be exciting to watch!

Game one was Saturday. 

After the first forty points, we stopped cheering, even with amazing reverse layups, because the boys made it look so easy. 

Game two was Saturday afternoon.  

After thirty points, we stayed quiet because the opposing team's parents were so despondent over the disparity in skill levels. I was so embarrassed to have such a high score. 

Game three was Saturday night. This team was competitive the first ten minutes, but they weren't well-conditioned and couldn't maintain our game's pace.

We were back at it Sunday night. We won game four in the tournament easily even though the other parents said we were "playing dirty."

Sunday night we played in the championship game; Evan blocked a few shots. 

We won first place. 

This is sure to be the first of many to come. I'm so proud to be apart of this team.

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