Thursday, February 19, 2015

Cabin Fever

Zero is this morning's temperature with wind chills closer to negative fifteen. The roads are blocks of ice and more snow is expected tomorrow. We've been given the rest of the week off, and I have no idea how we will spend two more days in the house. I coerced Wes to take me into town yesterday, so I could buy staples to make gumbo. I have the freezer stocked with casseroles. I've researched ways to clean soap scum off glass shower walls. I've cleaned the house top to bottom. The laundry is done. I've read two books. I've memorized the path of the upcoming polar air mass. I've watched the European League soccer finals. I've seen every episode of Fixer Upper. I've played with the cat and found myself talking to her about cold weather and polar air masses. I've researched summer football camps. I've decided to clean my baseboards. I've shredded old hamburger buns and fed the birds. I've spent hours looking out my window trying to identify said birds.

Does this mean I have a case of cabin fever? Yes, without a doubt. But the boys think they are in heaven.

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