Sunday, November 30, 2014

Fun Fact

Fun fact: No one can rope a plastic bull like our three year old nephew, and no six year old girl can make pop-up birthday cards or beaded jewelry like our niece.

We are roping cows, target shooting, and drinking Big Red in the warm Texas sun. In other words, we are making sweet family memories East Texas style. 

Our time in Texas is coming to a close, but we are so thankful for the memories made with our families this past week. 

Friday, November 28, 2014

Happy Thanksgiving

We will find out in a month or so our next assignment. This year we can be thankful that we still live so close to "home" that we can make it back to Texas for the holidays. 

The boys are on day two of playing cops and robbers among the trees and endless games of baseball in the front yard of Oma and Opa's house. Texas is perfect this time of year for playing outside; the boys will find it hard to return to true winter weather in a couple of days. 

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Just Call Us Crazy

Another weekend of soccer and another set of wins. This time Oma and Opa made the trip to Alabama to watch the boys play. (They have now traveled to every state in the Southeast to watch soccer.) We huddled together wrapped in blankets and under tents in torrential rains, we drank hot chocolate and hot tea to stay warm, and the boys were layered in mud and grass after the last game. 

Just call us Crazy. 

Then look at these smiles! We're making memories, people! Wonderful memories!

This weekend I only had to be told once on the sidelines to quieten down. Baby steps I tell ya. Baby steps. 

Both boys played up, both boys played excellent soccer, and this last picture proves upgrading to a new phone has just moved to the top of my must-dos. It makes me sad to say good-bye to outdoor soccer, but hello , indoor!

Saturday, November 22, 2014

Ratting Out Big Brother

When Keagan came home from school today, he couldn't wait to tell us his juicy gossip. He heard from another kid at the elementary school that Evan had been seen at the middle school hanging out with black girls. Gasp! Evan doesn't hang out with any girls, and Keagan was itching to catch Evan in a secret liaison. This is how it unfolded when Keagan made it home.

Evan! Come here!!


Dallas told me you were at lunch today hanging out with a bunch of black girls!

Yeah? So?

Then it's true? You were with these girls?

Because they're funny! It's entertaining for me to sit back and listen to them. Yeah, they said one boy was acting crazy and then "Ooh-Wee! That boy need him some Jesus." 

Do they know you are listening to them?

Yeah, they know. 

Keagan was a little disappointed that he didn't unravel the story of a secret girlfriend. He thought for sure he had caught his big brother in some drama. Next time, Mr. K, next time.

Friday, November 21, 2014

Mr. K is Ready to Ball

This is a tall-tale, certainly the truth has been stretched, but this is Keagan's version of today's events. 

"Hey, Keagan! You want to play a game of 4 on 1?"

"Sure. Let's ball."

Then Keagan proceeded to take on four really BIG fifth graders with a pick-up game of basketball. In his very first possesion of the game he juked out big guy number one and the fifth grader fell on his backside; the second player was faked out and tripped over his own feet;  and the third guy fell for the fake pump just in time for Keagan to pull up and shoot. He shouted, "Splash!" and the crowd (of two) went wild. 

Keagan won the game, he now refers to himself as Mr. K, and he's ready to produce street ball videos for YouTube. Watch out, World!

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Sneak Peek

Nothing can make my twelve year old cry like the mention of a photo shoot, but I'm so glad we did this! Look at how well the first shots turned out!

I have to look extra hard at this because this guy can't possibly be mine!

Open farmland, tobacco barns, fall leaves..nothing says Tennessee like the property in the background. It's exactly what I wanted. 

Goodness, he's cute!

Can't wait to see the family pictures!

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

White Trash

Today we had family pictures taken. In part because it's been three years since we had formal pics taken and in part because we were owed a favor and got a free photo session with a local photographer. 

On our way to the photo site, we were joking about "good" places to have our pictures taken. Ideas included:

In front of the industrial park. 

At the goat farm. 

Next to the junk yard.

Then Evan says, "We could all climb in a trash bin and then have a caption on our Christmas cards that says 'Merry Christmas from White Trash.'"

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Bro Night

The boys' mojo is back! This weekend our U10 boys played 8v8 in a U11 bracket in Kentucky and came home as finalists!

We told them all before the final game that we were so happy with their impressive performance and making it to the championship game while playing up that we didn't care if they won or lost. I think they took us all a bit too seriously, though. Don't they know that's only a figure of speech? They played half asleep and had two own-goals. Final score was 0 to 3. 

Keagan drove up Friday night with Wes for a "bro night." They had White Castle burgers for dinner and went swimming in the hotel pool. Keagan couldn't wait to tell me on Saturday night how the bro night was almost ruined when Wes suggested that they snuggle in bed and watch TV. He said, "Snuggling when we have two big beds on a bro night? I don't think so!" 

However, when I asked Wes about it, he said Keagan was the one who wanted to snuggle, and Wes was the one who said, "Snuggling when we have two big beds on a bro night? I don't think so!"

Who to believe? I think we can all be thankful Keagan plays soccer better than he can tell a story! This weekend's five games, bitterly cold temps, and a long drive means we are all ready for our own beds! 

Saturday, November 8, 2014

The Lone Wolf and Pam Oliver

The final football game of the season could not have gone any better. Snap five and Evan ran up the middle for a touchdown.

A few plays later, Evan ran up the middle again for the two point conversion. 

We won 27 to 6, but as much as Evan might have celebrated or as much as others might have congratulated him, this is where he stood when the defense took the field. 

One could argue his interest in the game is so intense, he can't be disturbed by sideline chatter. He stands next to the coach listening to play calls. He contemplates the strategies for winning and absorbs the entire game day experience. 

Or one could argue he is the Lone Wolf. The boy who would rather contemplate the game on his own, rather than listen to the opinions of the group. The boy frustrated by the mundane chatter of the other boys. The boy overwhelmed by the large group and much more content on his own. 

Either way, it was such a joy this fall to watch him play the sport that brings him such happiness. 

All season Evan has dismissed and doubted my football knowledge. He has shared all of his new plays and game plans with Wes and has assumed I couldn't possibly understand such a complex game of throws, catches, and runs. I'm a female, after all, and my wisdom is limited to advance mathematics and analytical reasoning. But today Evan paid me the highest compliment. He called me "The White Pam Oliver" of football. Finally, my voice will be heard! I'm reading "Football for Dummies" in the off season to live up to these high expectations. 

Until August.

Monday, November 3, 2014

One Smart Cookie

Keagan has had a great start to fourth grade. Today honor roll students were recognized at an awards assembly.

He made all As and received a ribbon for meeting his reading goal. To top it off, he received a letter stating he qualifies for participation in a national talent search because of his test scores. 

Smart, athletic, AND cute? How did I get so lucky?

Sunday, November 2, 2014

No Longer a Baby

My dear baby boy turns twelve today! Although no longer a baby, we are continually in awe of the boy we are so privileged to call our own.

 He is the master at answering at every question with the single word, "Good." He is the boy who detests technology but spends every waking moment logged on to yahoo checking his fantasy football points. He is the twelve year old that insists vacations are spent as far removed from other people as possible. He is the quick-witted tween that few are lucky enough to laugh with. He is the man-child that can eat his weight in ice cream. He is the sports analyst who can rattle off just about any statistic you would every want to know about football. He is the intellectual that can argue and debate even the most mundane of topics. He is the athletic one that loves to hit in football and loves to stop a scoring play in soccer.
And today he is the proud owner of his very first gun.
(I'm not holding it against him at all that he opened his gun this morning and immediately thanked Wes - even though it was my idea. Nope, not holding it against him at all.)


We wish you the very best birthday yet, Evan! We are so excited to see where this year takes you and the person you will become. We love you to the moon and back!