Friday, November 21, 2014

Mr. K is Ready to Ball

This is a tall-tale, certainly the truth has been stretched, but this is Keagan's version of today's events. 

"Hey, Keagan! You want to play a game of 4 on 1?"

"Sure. Let's ball."

Then Keagan proceeded to take on four really BIG fifth graders with a pick-up game of basketball. In his very first possesion of the game he juked out big guy number one and the fifth grader fell on his backside; the second player was faked out and tripped over his own feet;  and the third guy fell for the fake pump just in time for Keagan to pull up and shoot. He shouted, "Splash!" and the crowd (of two) went wild. 

Keagan won the game, he now refers to himself as Mr. K, and he's ready to produce street ball videos for YouTube. Watch out, World!

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