Sunday, November 23, 2014

Just Call Us Crazy

Another weekend of soccer and another set of wins. This time Oma and Opa made the trip to Alabama to watch the boys play. (They have now traveled to every state in the Southeast to watch soccer.) We huddled together wrapped in blankets and under tents in torrential rains, we drank hot chocolate and hot tea to stay warm, and the boys were layered in mud and grass after the last game. 

Just call us Crazy. 

Then look at these smiles! We're making memories, people! Wonderful memories!

This weekend I only had to be told once on the sidelines to quieten down. Baby steps I tell ya. Baby steps. 

Both boys played up, both boys played excellent soccer, and this last picture proves upgrading to a new phone has just moved to the top of my must-dos. It makes me sad to say good-bye to outdoor soccer, but hello , indoor!

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