Saturday, November 22, 2014

Ratting Out Big Brother

When Keagan came home from school today, he couldn't wait to tell us his juicy gossip. He heard from another kid at the elementary school that Evan had been seen at the middle school hanging out with black girls. Gasp! Evan doesn't hang out with any girls, and Keagan was itching to catch Evan in a secret liaison. This is how it unfolded when Keagan made it home.

Evan! Come here!!


Dallas told me you were at lunch today hanging out with a bunch of black girls!

Yeah? So?

Then it's true? You were with these girls?

Because they're funny! It's entertaining for me to sit back and listen to them. Yeah, they said one boy was acting crazy and then "Ooh-Wee! That boy need him some Jesus." 

Do they know you are listening to them?

Yeah, they know. 

Keagan was a little disappointed that he didn't unravel the story of a secret girlfriend. He thought for sure he had caught his big brother in some drama. Next time, Mr. K, next time.

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