Thursday, June 2, 2011

We Live in a Fantasy World

We went to the pool today. After seven summers of making the trip to and from the pool and beach, I think I have finally mastered the art of packing the pool bag. This is a fine art that takes years to master. Only the very best can remember to pack a salty snack, a fruit snack, a granola snack, drinks, goggles, earplugs, swimtoys, water balls, sunscreen, towels, and an extra toy or two. I may have done it today, but I am making no promises that the magic of packing the perfect pool bag will materialize ever again.

Yesterday the boys played in the sprinkers because I still live in a fantasy world and tell myself that I can get our yard in tip top shape without the help of a professional, and I spent an hour spreading ironite and fungicide over mounds of sand with tiny sprouts of something that resembles half dead grass. After all of this, I ran the sprinklers. The boys were in the middle of it playing Ben10 with no worries about the iron pellets plastered to their feet and bellies. After five summers of watching the boys morph into aliens, I am betting this is the last summer that they play Ben10 together in the sprinklers. Evan has even put all five of his real Ben10 watches aside and uses his wristband to call on the alien of choice. It can double as a Ben10 watch, and it is so much more cool than the actual watch. You can wear it and everyone will assume it is just a wristband. Only I know better. I think this is why he is so concerned with wearing his wristband on the soccer field; he thinks he can call on Four Arms for an extra boost when in need. 

He, too, lives in a fantasy world. Only his seems much more entertaining.

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