Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Little Boy Dreams

One of Evan's biggest dreams came true this week. I know he is only eight and big dreams at this age constitute buying a new Wii game and twelve months of summer vacation. Perhaps his dream is more of a milestone. He is none the less excited.

His dream? He is attending football camp at one of the local high schools.

His dream might have been dashed just a bit when he found out he wasn't actually playing in the stadium, and he might have have been just slightly irritated when the head football coach spent more time working with the 10-14 year olds on the first day of camp. This was all erased from his mind today, though, when the coach referred to Evan as the key player.

The key player! When I went on and on about what a great compliment this was, Evan replied, "It's not that great, Mom. It's not like he is a college or pro coach. Now, if someone important said that then it would mean a lot."

And just like that. His little boy dream changed. His dream has been altered to include playing for bigger people and their even bigger stadiums.

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