Tuesday, June 7, 2011

The Wedding Crashers

One of my very best friends from college, Lynette, spent this past week on St. Simons Island with her family, and we met them there this weekend for dinner. After dinner, we took a walk around the pier and shoreline where hundreds of people were fishing and picnicing. If I told you that the boys almost crashed an outdoor wedding when they began a rousing game of soccer and used an aisle of white rose petals as the goal line, you would probably think the meeting was a complete disaster. However, the bride and groom were good sports about it, and the mother of the bride didn't even balk when one of Evan's punts caught her in the back of the legs. They never even scowled at Keagan when he took a seat in the white chairs set up on the waterfront for the wedding guests. I wish I were a fly on the wall, though, when the couple takes their first look at their wedding photos and finds four strange boys chasing a soccer ball in the background of every shot.

Thanks Lynette, Billy, Henry and Max for meeting up with us. Let's hope we don't crash any more weddings next fall when we meet again.

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